Design of ‘metanature’ in addition to spatial succession of a landscape involves the use of sensing devices for data collection and automation of study allowing for advanced methods of management.  The availability of open-source software and hardware allows for economically feasible rapid prototyping of digitally augmented landscape for site specific conditions. may These movements be ubiquitous for equitable open environmental metrics and stewardship.


The Air We Breath

Existence occurs on a continuum, dust to dust. Sculpture, electronics/programming, and analytics representation come together in reflection on the 4-11 mile thick layer surrounding the nearly 200 million square miles of Earth’s surface. The goal is to engage and expose unseen environmental forces in the air we breath.


Early Air Bot Prototype

Arduino is a single-board computer with about as much computing power as one of the original navigation computers for the apollo program at a fraction of the price. Arduino hardware and software are opensource.


Interdependence, Sculptfest 2018

Inspired by Ammophila breviculata , sand loving American Beach Grass, AIr-bot sensors would be placed at the tip of flexible rods and these atmospheric sensors would detect combustible gases including butane, liquefied petroleum gas (lpg), methane and byproducts of incompletely burned carbon-based fuel.

#metanature #airbot #spatialjustice #reciprocalroots #GOSH #embeddedsitu