Through the use of ‘urban engagement’ strategies standardly employed, citizens are informed of development. in a transactive potential exploration communities are given storytelling opportunities and community hers and history is listened to. From of place of being seen people learn to articulate urban vision. They are given tools to explore if-then scenarios that include a variety of contextual and temporal scales to explore their vision of development and how it will be of benefit. This is an early step in establishing an engaged stakeholder constituency of residents advocating for their needs using the same language as decision-makers and demanding a move beyond the limited potential of real-estate market capitalism as a means for establishing ‘PLACE’.


TRANSACTIVE potential:

Informal, sharing, open source economies continue to evolve dramatically with the internet creating an immediate global network of resources.  We can design and engage communities in ways that increase their ‘transactive’ potential creating equitable access to the benefits that development can provide economically, environmentally, and socially.


#metadesign #minddecolonization #spatialjustice #reciprocalroots